Revel in the beauty of awe-inspiring landscapes and people that inhabit the earth through our High Definition lens in Exotic Worlds with Chuck Jonkey.
Chuck Jonkey, an internationally acclaimed adventurer, explorer and musician, invites you to experience the world with him as he travels and explores
Indonesia, Peru, Bolivia, Alaska, Ethiopia, Madagascar, India and Cuba, just to name a few.
Watch in HD (high definition) as Chuck captures images and the music of remote tribes, majestic glaciers, expansive deserts,
teeming rainforests, remote mountain peaks, and exotic tribal gatherings right on location.
Traveling expedition style, we enter remote villages on foot, in dug-out canoes or off road vehicles searching for adventure,
exploration and music from little known tribes around the world.
During these journeys, Chuck shares his knowledge about the world around him and moves you with his curiosity and enthusiasm for places, cultures, the people and music.
The theme music for each show is created from the recording in each village or remote location.
Produced by DreamQuest Productions, LLC